Edit: should say McMenamin “likely thinks” not “confirmed”. Said he and Joe Vardon thinks that’s whom LeBron’s quote was referring to.
Dave McMenamin on 710 just said that LeBron was likely referring to PG with that quote. Said LeBron and PG had talked about joining in LA, and...
[MEDIA] Paul George?
LeBron’s trainer on PG :ShaqOh2: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
ESPN Jump Windhorst: "Quite frankly, Paul George is not going to be a Laker" Shelburne: "Yup"
Someone made a good point. OKC is pulling a Clippers/Deandre Jordan, trying to hold PG hostage in OKC until he signs
[MEDIA] Starting
[MEDIA] PG’s charity game jersey is in the locker room
So... is PG going to no-show this charity event in LA tonight? [MEDIA]
So Ramona just said it was Lonzo’s camp that leaked the meniscus injury. She says that Lakers are not allowed to release that because it’s...
Here is that podcast where Ramona was saying it was a “Hail Mary” at this point for the Lakers to get PG:...
[MEDIA] Taking meetings in Vegas?
76ers only offering Saric and Covington picks for Kawhi Leonard [MEDIA] #NoLeverage