i meant to say in the last season, not the last 2. but yeah, i watched 2 episodes - more specifically, the end of one episode (where i saw rape -...
so I've only watched 2 episodes ever this past 2 seasons, and i understand that my understanding of the show is based on a very small sample size....
Reddick sucks anyways.Now they just need Deandre back and a SF and a bench... still a step in the right direction
http://www.thescore.com/news/776143 porzi tho
http://hangtime.blogs.nba.com/2015/05/29/morning-shootaround-may-29-2/#lakers Julius shooting 3's
from youtube
Warriors in 5.
Okafor is scary talented though.
100% yes i would. obviously it depends on the circumstances but its foolish to not even consider. no doubt mitch and co are considering.
yeah my friends watch it and i saw a facebook status about that (they were watching it recorded so a little late) so i went over to watch and...
Who says we're getting Okafor or Towns? Who says we're even keeping our pick? Do you all know something I don't?
deandre jordan?
Any opinions on gender neutrality? (Gender neutral bathrooms, gender neutral college dorm housing, gender neutral language, gender anonymity, etc.)
^Very well-written article. I agree with all of it.
stop poverty, hunger, unfair expectations for both genders, then we win if you stop those then all the other things will fall into place
^ @therealdeal how many perfect offseasons have you come up with this far? Hehe I'm joking. In all honesty, that one does look REALLY good.
Go Clips go. Cips-Rockets would be an absolute flopfest and I would love the disgustingness of it. Also, it would be cool to see someone else win...
No hope. We will all die one day. No hope, unless we do not fear death. Whoa, sorry, I took that way too deep. Hope KAJ is recovering nicely.