He no doubt worked his a** off to return, it was just unfortunate that every year there was some injury to set him back. Is it his fault? Of...
Dalton with -3 points...i didn't think that was possible for a quarterback. :banghead: I'm still projected to win though. >:)
I was listening to 710 ESPN today and Ireland mentioned how he heard Aldridge wants to shop around. I'd be very surprised if he does leave...
I was also someone who was ecstatic when we first signed him and I thought he would excel next to Kobe. I'm the first to admit that I was dead wrong.
He's a great player and he comes with that fire to win similar to Kobe. However, you need to surround Rondo with the right type of players. Your...
^ Maybe so we would have someone actually decent coming off the bench.
All it took was a TPE and some second round pick. I don't really consider that a significant loss, especially for the production he's providing.
Might even be his last year in the league.
I truly regret opening up this thread. :tmi:
44 minutes is way too much for Kobe and we didn't even win the damn game. There's only so much Kobe can do.
It sucks that he's our only real SF. Anyone watching the games can tell he doesn't deserve any playing time.
I'm glad to hear that he's at least improving and could play tomorrow. We need all the help we can get.
Don't do drugs...unless you want to.
One last championship run where Kobe can shut up all the haters would be awesome.
Definitely. He defers to Kobe too much for my liking and his game would be much more effective with the bench unit.
I would keep Young and unless you're playing in a league with less than 10 people in it you'd be hard pressed in finding someone better.
If we go based off the comments of Lakers ownership and Kobe himself neither side wants him to traded. Like real mentioned, our future is looking...
Same here but so far he's only playing about 28 minutes a game. If we can keep him below 35 minutes I think he'll be alright.
I think I would give Leonard the max as well real. Finals MVP at the young age of 22 and he only seems to be improving. Also, with the cap...
Benjamin only gave me one fantasy point yesterday. :mad: