If you just look at history in general, people don't exactly understand the times they are going through. The "Medieval Age" wasn't called that...
After using the various themes I have changed my mind. "Sunday Whites" are the cleanest look in my opinion. No eye strain.
My thesis concerns the Royal Charters of the King Guy De Lusignan and Conrad de Montferrat (who was king for a brief period). Charters are issued...
I am so sick and tired of translation work. I think my drive as a student in Graduate School is gone. Its midnight, I have been translating for...
With Kobe as his mentor I really hope Lin gets a solid shot at being a starting point guard eventually here in LA. I still really believe in his...
Man I wish I didn't leave my PS4 in Indiana. I miss my games more so today, than any other day.
I honestly, hadn't noticed. I'm still trying figure out the tapatalk app anyway for mobile.
The people change based on the color theme you use. If you scroll to the bottom where it says "Sunday Whites," you can click it and it will bring...
I really thought this was our year too. I hadn't believed that much in a Dodgers team ... ever. This really sucks.
CL often went down when ESPN broke the news on a "credible" rumor. The Lakers don't even need to add a major free agent or trade to test this place.
Long Beach: 0 - 2 Claremont: 2 - 26 Fullerton: 26 - now Looking to move to Indiana early next year at the latest.
I should be used to this ... :heartbreak:
Gordon with a single that moves Puig to second. Come on! We just need a good single or double from Crawford!
We should be able to put up more than 2 runs with this lineup.
Finally got out of the filing room at work ... to find its the 9th and we're losing. WTH?!
Kershaw is good through 5. I gotta go back to work in 13 minutes or so. This really sucks. Wish I could keep drinking beer and eating wings.
I can't stand Ethier. Dude just struck out. Why is he still a Dodger?
Man, Kersh is going to have to basically be perfect to win this game.
I have a 2 hr break from work so I walked to a local bar grabbed a mug of beer and some wings while sporting my Jackie Robinson shirt. Kershaw and...
Do you think he will get the minutes to compete statistically for that award? He has Boozer in front of him although I understand he is old. I am...