I'm sorry guys - but Ham isn't gonna get my sympathy when he's playing other guys that were not playing well A LOT more minutes than Rui, a guy...
Seems pretty simple - don't play Hayes/Wood and Gabe/DLO together in the same ffricking lineup. Have AD/Wood/Rui/Reddish/Gabe or...
I think Reaves is either tired from playing so much basketball last year + olympics...and he hasn't properly rested or something. OR...Ham is...
Superb game from LeBron - and did not look gassed at all in the 4th despite playing entire 4th. I think that's also a function of not playign as...
BIG time game from Wood. Very impressed with his rebounding and DEFENSE against KD! As much as I like hayes...I think you gotta give Wood all of...
This is unacceptable to play Rui only 12 minutes and then you're playing Prince 18 mins, Reddish 12 minutes, and VINCENT 35 f***ING MINUTES. Ham...
This. 100%. I remember watching last year's WCF in game 1 and seeing Jokic RUN EVERY TIME DOWN THE COURT like a madman and get the ball deep and...
It's not his fault that Ham is putting him out there in the wrong lineups and then not running anything for him on offense. I think he plays the...
with how Gabe played tonight...nevermind I'm not even gonna hope for JHS to be anything for us this year bcuz he needs A LOT of work
You can't play Wood with Hayes - it simply doesn't work Ham gonna need to stagger WOOD with either AD or LeBron...or with Rui. Or he has to...
Ugh...looks like this team is in his head again.
This guy is really good - he might need to stay the starter going forward
I didnt' like the signing over the summer and I hate it now. He had a good playoff run but that's all it was...he's an inefficient and short PG....
I still can't believe we're having these discussions man...0 pts in second half. Unbelievable...after all that talk over the summer and signing...
Less 3's, more driving. However, I don't blame him when he can't buy a call. Looked good and just ran into the best team in the League.
Was expecting Reaves to bust their a**** tonight but didn't happen. He has a tough matchup coming up with Booker and the Suns.
Agree on literally everything but I also think that Ham is not doing anybody any favors playing Dlo/Vincent backcourt together. In general...
15 minutes is pathetic especially given LeBron only played 29 minutes. I'm really worried that we might have a problem of having TOO many...
One thing is for sure... Darvin will find a way to play 3 guards (DLO Vincent Reaves) even with all the size we have... And I"m going to hate it
If we get this version of AD all year + good health...we're winning it all.