Greatest game for me is 81. I say that with the following caveat... his 60 vs. Utah was completely unexpected. I was jumping up and down as if it...
What an epic performance. Will never forget Kobe's final game. At least for one night it felt like old times when we were competing for...
How the hell are we even in this predicament. From Mike Brown to Mike D'Antoni... and now this. To think we are winning is straight comedy.
Glad he pulled through and that Khloe will help him through this ordeal (still not a fan of the other Kardashians though). As others have said,...
Barns keeping the community together:Headbang:
I saw someone making a Roo joke in another thread and thought that was in poor taste... eventually saw the post that Barns made here. Bloody hell....
Lamar has been through so much... more than most go through in a life time. I really hope he pulls through.
Some folks need to go look at other player's summer league stats.. LBJ: 15.8 PPG on 37% shooting, a shade over 7 assists and 4 rebounds per game....
[IMG] BvS and SS trailers were ******* awesome!
Holy crap... Embiid :eek::eek::eek: I saw him play here in Austin a little over a year and a half ago and he looks nothing like he did back then....
Oh man... the onions. I cannot believe it is all coming to an end. :cry:
Russell has the attitude of a star in the making.. hopefully he can produce on the floor too!
And there goes Biyombo to Toronoto... and at a bargain amount too.
And the Clippers took a step back... >:)
We are going to continue to sit on our a**** :D:D:D I have to say, your post from a few days ago about the sheer incompetence of our FO was on...
Ultimately, we dodged a bullet. Didn't want him here. Give the young guys some burn. But to think our FO thought we stood a chance against a...
Why did we go balls to the wall for LMA and not reach out to Harris? I know he is a restricted free agent, but he fits with our "youth" movement...
Thanks for clarifying.. went ahead and deleted the "X" material. What a depressing situation though.... **** :banghead:
I was browsing LG today and came across this post by a poster "in the know". Take it with a grain of salt... but it paints a depressing picture.