Barns... I don't mind bantering... I could argue for days. I think the comments are funny myself. I shut up for the sake of the community and...
I've been relatively quiet for five days. Remember that people are still making baiting comments even when I'm saying nothing.
I know you're being facetious but if we had kept BI, Zo, Hart, our picks and drafted Hayes it would have been a positive outcome. Look at Hayes...
I think Ball is a good defender, good transition playmaker who becomes valuable if he can improve his shooting and free throw shooting to an...
It's fair that you inserted Gasol over WCJ... but I considered Gasol and Sabonis essentially even rather than negative offensively going by those...
This is something I can relate to more than DRPM or DPIPM. Again remember I've never said Ingram himself is better... I've said I didn't like the...
He's still clumsy and underdeveloped compared to Luka, AD or LBJ If you think his body is fully matured then you'd think this is ceiling... if...
The discussion was about how Ingram had a bad DRPM. I simply pointed out that LBJ was rated the best defender and it perhaps isn't a perfected...
I've said Luka is better... we were talking about DRPM 20 year old Luka is even better than 20 year old LBJ....
Luka's DRPM is worse than Ingram's... yet no one here would argue that Luka's a game changing player. Obviously his superior passing abilities...
Trodgers I've always admitted AD is far better at defense than BI... but defensive rating systems are far from an exact science at this point....
...who put up 49 on Gobert and high RPM Ingles. #1?
BI vs. Kawhi at 22...
Before you laugh at the idea, click on the link and Look at the eFG%, FT%, Assists per 36, Rebounds per 36. Both are good at penetrating and...
Maybe but when all is said and done I'm a Lakers fan. I was born in the heart of Los Angeles, I grew up going to see games at the Forum. I have...
They didn't like my posts either, although because of its size there were more people that were on my side. I did get the satisfaction of seeing...
Thanks Ron for taking the time to say that and like some of my posts. I'm not bothered at all... I've just realized that I've treated this place...