Patrick Beverly and Schroder as wing defenders....
Ownership wants to avoid repeater tax. They're selling to gullible fans that they want cap flexibility. Absolutely no attention given to winning.
He's a solid role player, above average but is he damaged goods? I tend to think Pat Riley knows a thing or two about players and wouldn't let him...
Where did he say that he wants to be in LA?
Just listened to yesterday's podcast. It may be a wrong way of thinking but I don't think the NBA wants to go to court with Sarver. I'm sure other...
My thoughts exactly. I miss the old jersey system.
Listening to it right now while completing some administrative tasks for my team.
He really did this? I could only imagine his agent's reaction.
It was embarrassing. What are we doing here...
And we're going to have to depart with more assets (draft picks).
Has anyone read the books? I'm planning on starting them soon!
I'm starting to think he sold them on the Westbrook idea and was one of the main reasons he got the job.
The game has certainly evolved. Those 3 you named work their tail off and are so talented.
Nunn, reportedly, hasn't played 5 on 5 yet. Ham yesterday said that he looks great in "individual" workouts.
On page 5 of this thread there is a link to Buha's article that says Jones will be coming off the bench.
Started on this forum due to the podcast! Joe, we share the same thoughts on most topics Lakers and business related. Wish you and the team at...
Can't believe someone with Rambis' track record has so much say in the most successful basketball franchise in modern history.
I hope you're right because that would be ideal. I wonder if the FO will try to step in once the team goes on a losing streak.
I was too young when Dr. Buss was leading this franchise so this documentary really shows me how smart of a business man he was.
Rooting for him given his recent health concerns but he needs a few years in the G league to work on his game.