Good times! The one thing i noticed that I dont think I fully appreciated at the time...how many of those highlights began or ended with Trevor...
Hey guys, sorry I was busy. It's ALWAYS a democracy. I know people had asked if the rosters were going to be bigger, so I assumed thats what...
Fair enough. It is decided.
NOTICE: I will be adding 2 bench spots at 3 pm PDT. Please alert members who are not on this board. There will be a post on the league message...
Okay, so everyone please forgive me, but I noticed a problem. We only have 3 bench spots which I think is going to pose problems....I'm...
Absolutely agree! Was a rough go getting it off the ground, but we pulled it off! Also, I will NOT cut Sacre. I may not win the chip, but damn...
By the way, I will NOT accept credit card or cashiers check for the Sacre challenge payment.
Draft lobby is open!
Well done everyone!!!!
Send me his email
5 hours til draft time. We NEED 2 more at least. If we don't get at least 10 by 2:30pm I'm pushing the draft until January and we will call this...
Hour, 90 minutes max?
Yes, my bad. 3pm PDT. Used to EST.
Bumping the draft until 6pm tomorrow. Find some more people. It takes a village!!
I agree!
Working hard on it....team effort everyone!
I set up everyone should be able to invite whoever from the site/app. Got a few feelers out myself.
Not sure. I may postpone for a day and see. 8 isn't enough I don't think.
Supposed to be P&G (above me) whenever they accept the invite.