Damn, first we’re dating ourselves with the Flying Nun, now you have to bring up Rodney Dangerfield? Is there any cultural reference out there...
See? Lakers are just lucky. All the time
:KobeConfused: That dude. Jesus H.
Interesting article on Webber and the Timeout Game, and how he benefitted: Chris Webber on how the "timeout game" both did and did not define him...
Man, those '04 Finals were so brutal.
Posted this in the Player Transactions thread, but looks like it's from 2013. https://www.nbadraft.net/players/wang-zhelin/ One part that sticks...
Now that we traded off Marc to the Grizz for rights to Wang Zhelin, here's something I found about the long dude:...
The one I went to in La Habra just went vacant, then turned into a Ralphs or Albertsons I think. But now that I think about it, I also got this...
Wow. With a Gemco price tag too. I got some Kiss cassettes at Gemco. Kiss :Magicwow4:
Well I’m no doctor, but as athletes are getting bigger, stronger, more explosive, the more stress being put on all ligaments, and the Achilles...
Yup. My take too.
Damn, that would have changed lots of things--the rivalry with the Kings would have been nowhere as intense as it was with him up un cowbell country
You mean as a sedative?
That does it. Now I gotta see it.
Damn that's so hard to watch. What goes up must come down. Imagine the complete emotional breakdowns this guy has behind closed doors. Yeesh.
Man, if Nunn ever makes it on this thread, he's gonna shake his head and think 'damn, what is up with these people?'
Nice fade on it though. For me, it's that Asterisks logo on his R shoulder. :Kareemlook: :Dmcdisbelieveyou:
We go and visit my dad in North OC 2-3 times a month, and I can’t say I’ve ever seen any slips gear there over the years. Dubs stuff during the...
Hey Chick. When I wrote ‘all of the above,’ I meant Random Bloggers A, B, and C, not anyone affiliated with the Lakers.