KCP is playing with the regularity swiss clock precision we expected of veteran "Damn it" Danny Green. Feel confident in his threes and Kobe lite...
No, for me the haters are irrelevant. As irrelevant as their discarded, destroyed and eliminated teams. We have seen what the Lakers have been...
Touche, en guarde! [ATTACH]
No triple double. Can we trade him for Hart, Ball, and Ingram? Asking for a friend. [IMG]
Damn it Danny Green. Hello is it three you're looking for. Three threes and three blocks even. Moved the needle on contribution. Brand new your...
A tribute to damn it Danny "Lionel" Green [MEDIA]
This is the kind of motivation I love to see on our team. Pretty clear to me this is the type of motivation that has Playoff Rondo locked in. We...
You are completely right. I mean this won't happen and if that ship was ever gonna sail it sailed in New York and don't think Phil would go there...
We need to wear the Mamba Jerseys on the game we close out the win. I think that would be sports poetry. If we get to three wins we need to put on...
Wilt Chamberlain with Seven time Mr Olympia Austrian Oak Arnold Schwarzenegger (from the film Conan the Barbarian) and Eighth Wonder of the world...
It's the end of a dynasty that never truly began. A wannbeynasty, a neverbeendom, a fife of suck.
I think we match up better with Miami. We have looked really good against them and though their team has grown I do not discount that our progress...
alam1108 said: ↑ Where's the pineapple? [MEDIA]
Simple solution. We put playoff Rondo in the NBA Hall of Fame first ballot and we keep Regular Season Rondo on the outer.