Bruce Bowen if he played in today’s ridiculous nba and someone tried that crap: [IMG]
That family is so f*****g weird and whore-ish to fame that it’s very possible. Still, I give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s been miserable...
Based on the biology of ones genitalia and chromosomes, there’s no argument as to what sex one is born. I’m curious to learn what else is going...
A mother eulogizing her 13 year old daughter just isn’t right. It’s not fair. It’s not ok. It’s just heartbreaking. Her pain is unimaginable.
[IMG] That's without zooming in. It's about 20 rows up. We were one row below and too the right of Mychal Thompson and John Ireland in the espn...
He got fouled a lot with no calls.
Let’s hope he doesn’t forget how to shoot once becoming a laker
Oh no, we signed another guy who’ll get minutes at pf, moving AD to center. He probably won’t resign. (sorry, just for those who miss vash)
[IMG] yes, he is just like a sponge. I can see the resemblance. Sick burn, Boogie.
“Caruso!” -Dantoni
I think lance would be perfect for this team. He can score in iso, break down a defense, and guard sfs. I’d love to put him in Kawhi to blow in...
I’d like to caption this picture but my dark and dirty sense of humor would get me banned.
+23 in 23 minutes (WMC Kuz -11 in 16 minutes)
If harden plays 20 years and continues to shoot fts at this rate, he’ll finish with over 12,500 ftas
I want me some lance.
The ilgauskas rule, no?
I was rooting heavily for Jones, but after three rounds I was thinking he needed 10-8s in the fourth and fifth or a finish. I had it 10-9, 10-9,...
Can someone run the #s on our 3pt % and attempts in wins vs losses. I don’t know how to do that. I can’t remember many wins where we shot poorly...
SF 3&d buyout candidates?
Kuzma is like a dumpster of oily rags in a welding shop: Garbage that catches fire every once in a while.