Good deal for Cook
Ye yeah I really don’t think he was about the super team life all along
Please get Quinn Cook for 2/10mil
Man this team really did not get much better (in FA)... we had our hopes way too high. Of course AD is amazing but the team was so bad even LeBron...
JaVale for 2 years 8 mil... ehh not bad but I was really hoping for Vet Min for him. No way we can get Morris now
Not for 2 years 16 Mil though...
Cris Carter: “All the information that leaked from Magic’s conversations with Kawhi’s team didn’t help the lakers case” Screw Magic, he should’ve...
Everything pointing towards TOR... we had a good run
I mean couldn’t they technically do a press conference saying that Kawhi has verbally agreed to return but no actual contract specifics until the...
Someone on twitter confirmed its a picture from 2018. I gotta believe that if Kawhi got off that plane he did so very discreetly and is already...
Yeah... was thinking that. Not really sure what to think
It concerns me that Kawhi is on that plane... why would he still be using raptors transportation if he’s leaving