Respectfully disagree. Talent does not an alpha make.
I've read from several different sources, that talented as he is... Kawhi is not an alpha. We all remember how supremely talented Dwight was....
Savage! :Deathstare:
They might as keep that supply low. Those shoes aren't going anywhere. :Laugh:
Dude. You got told to just drop it. Drop it.
Look up in the rafters? Soon as I saw JW's jersey, I'd send the crews up there to take it down. I'd unretire his number and give it to the first...
Well, we could start with him quitting right as everyone was thinking where they might be next season. He then went on National TV and aired ALL...
I told everyone that, way back during Shaq and Kobe. Magic is all about Magic. He's successful because of his name, not business sense.
Yes... Wanted him regardless of Kawhi. Though, we couldn't get both. No thanks.
Jerry West can KMA. Man is dead to me, after that crap show. 40 year fan. Didn't ever think I'd say those words.
I'd tell AEG to blow it out their rear end, and go talk to Magic.
What part of not even in the Top 10 jerseys, isn't clicking? That's not going to change, just because it says Clippers.
Look at it this way... In San Antonio, with one of the most legendary coaches ever. A dude, any player in the NBA would be happy to play for......
How many of those draft picks OKC reckon is by going to amount to anything?
Really? And we gotta have earthquakes now? That one hit WAY too close to home. Northridge PTSD...
Excellent addition!
Well, while I've got you all here together. Might as well cover some basics... "Here are ten common sense, simple rules of life: 1.If you don't...
Just checking in. Is he a Laker yet? :Laugh:
Lakers will be missing about $11,000,000 if Kawhi holds out, after the 6th and the AD trade is finalized.
The last team I'm worried about, are the Clippers. I don't care that Jerry West is there. I do know Ballmer tried to buy Kawhi's trademark. I...