still only 32, he can play, I don't see why not give him a min.
I'm a Dennis fan, but he really struggled in the Playoffs offensively due to lack of size and poor shooting. I think our playoff chances increase...
cant see this happening, but if it happens we'll be right in the top tier of championship favorites.
gotta give it to Rob, he did extremely well. I wasn't thrilled with giving the full MLE to Vincent, but considering Dennis got more money, that...
Plumlee would be an acceptable backup big.
that's friggen crazy, I would say he's worth about half.
supposedly clutch, that's it.
Reddit insider says we're getting Cam Reddish on a vet min
this Vincent contract stinks of Rob being horny from his playoff run and disregarding his career stats. if it was half the MLE I could probably...
man I am not really happy with Vincent looking at his stats before these playoffs, they are pretty poor.
Seth Curry is underrated man, his shooting is almost as good as his brother and has a history of really good playoff performances. obvious...
giving 3 years to a guy about to turn 35 and already looking washed is a big mistake.
holy crap Rob, that's AMAZING VALUE!!!
this would legit ruin my weekend.
nothing wrong with Eric Gordon at the min. he used to be really good for those Harden Rockets teams, but no question his performances have fallen...
honestly, I think your expectations are too high. Love is still way better than Bamba
DiVincenzo opted out of 4.7 mill, half the full MLE is 6.2 I think 6.2 for Dennis and him may work. I cant see a team with cap space giving him...
would much prefer something like splitting the MLE between Schroder and Divincenzo, instead of adding Bruce Brown.
Brook Lopez would be my main and probably only target if we're looking to use the full MLE. I believe he's been a huge underrated piece of...
would take him over Bamba in a heartbeat, but seems he's resigning with the Heat.