Finished Uncharted 4. Very good end to the franchise. Disappointed by that btw but every good thing must come to an end. Personally I have it...
I'm not a fan of Lebron joining the Lakers, but I'll admit that if that were to come to fruition, I will be salivating at the possibilities. You...
I'm more disturbed about dirty danhntay jones being a champion.
Yep, no ESPN for me except for this Thursday of course, or NBATV for that matter..lots of Netflix, Hulu, and PS4. But hey if you do have Hulu,...
Can't hate the man. Lebron straight up put in a performance that's the best I've ever seen in a finals series. He clearly deserves the accolades....
I remember being nervous like this in 2000 facing the Blazers in game 7 after blowing that 3-1 lead. Pressure is all on the Warriors now. Lebron...
Watched 10 Cloverfield Lane also. Loved it. The tension in that movie keeps you on edge until a great release at the end. From what I read it's...
Yeah I'm hearing he wants to play with the likes of Chris Paul and Anthony. Which could give rise to the possibility of him joining the Clippers....
Begrudgingly I have to give props to LeBron for what he's done. Back to back 40 point games? Straight up ridiculous. Right now the way GS is...
Kyrie was that dude on the playground you do everything you can to guard him but he still lights you up. He's been on these finals. I doubt the...
So I was in Grand Cayman and tried a sample of their Tortuga that was good! I'm more of a whiskey person myself, but that was the best...
I'm surprised Warriors won with that big a margin without Klay and Curry going off. The game was close for a bit there. But looking at the bench...
Warriors have been tested. Cavs have not. I give the edge to the Warriors in this matchup. I think Cavs will get at least two on their home...
Luke about to bring even more of that championship experience back to L.A
Haha saw this comment on bleacher report...
Picked up uncharted 4. Barely started playing but right off the bat, the games might just challenge number 2 as best in the series. But I'm only...
Hell just one of those guys is better than the entire staff last season
Just got back from cruise. Watched lottery and yeah, I was celebrating. Only laker fan in ship it seems. It's cool. I actually prefer Ingram...
So...finally saw it. Pure awesomeness indeed. Gonna have to see it again. Too much awesomeness to comprehend in one viewing. Initial thoughts:...