Got home and saw the score. Glad I missed this one. What the hell happened?
He's actually supposed to be evaluated today so hopefully we'll hear something. :Shaqlaughing 2:
I heard that too and I was like...bush league? Okay. Never mind someone thrashes their legs into the kicker in the middle of his extension but...
Knee can't be hurting that bad.
Actually mad at this loss. I know we have guys out but this was a very winnable game. Too many turnovers and blown coverages cost them this game.
Well that sucks.
Dang, two pages of spam today. We must really be popular.
Well that was a clunker. Seems like they couldn't buy a basket when they needed one, and pretty much man handled by AD all night long.
Hasn't been mentioned I don't think but the one thing I'm impressed with is his improved free throw shooting. Was none too good in previous years...
This makes me smile because before we went with Luke every sports writer was blasting the front office for letting Thibs get away. Hell even I...
Definitely getting more comfortable out there. Where I really want to see him succeed is on the defensive side. His offense will definitely come...
So that was an abomination of a game. Then again the Warriors are an abomination of talent.
League pass plain sucks this season. Last year the product on the floor wasn't worth the money, this year the means to watch the product is barely...
Talk about escaping with a win!
That was a really bad shot by Russell there at the end. Down by only five with still 40-something on the clock and he goes for a 30 footer? Take...
Wait I thought Sirronstuff was the prankster around here lol.
Spurs could barely miss yet our guys kept the game close until the very end. Good fight in them as always.
Totally agree. B0ron was so bad that if the Warriors had him as coach they'd probably miss the playoffs. Exaggerating of course but you get my...
I'm starting to agree with this. It might take some pressure off Russell to be the primary ball handler and play maker.
Haha the thief!