Does Wiggins = #4? Maybe they can do a swap and we’ll latch on Moe for the exception.
Trade Moe for a 2nd, free up some cap Rob!
The Knicks will lol.
More traffic here! Also, I contributed to posting about Mr. Rambis a few times over there.
Hmm... @therealdeal has been gone for awhile, @Mr. Rambis shows up. Now real comes back and Rambis leaves... Reals secretly been working closely...
When the Lakers are finally back in the mix... [IMG] :Laugh:
Not at the price and tenure he wants. Apparently someone is going to hand him $100M/4 years.
lol, the comments are hilarious. so many haters think we can't do anything cause we don't have money or think we're in a bad situation with LEBRON...
As far as Beverly goes, I wouldn't call it immediate interest, but go peep his Twitter page. Someone tweeted him that the Lakers were interested...
Well, Korver can come on the veteran's minimum, we can have an unlimited number of those. Not sure Crowder would do a vet min contract, but we'll see.
he really deserves more than the Vet min, but we need a solid point guard with the room exception, he does get the 10+ year vet min around 2.3M,...
I love how the tune's of biased articles went from "Lakers franchise in shambles due to shaky office" and "Lakers package not enough for AD" to...
LaMelo is essentially banned from college ball because of his endorsements with the Big Baller Brand, who he is no longer associated with. By...
I'd throw the Room Exception at Avery Bradley if he's let go. He'll probably come cheaper than Beverly, but provide similar perimeter defense and...
[MEDIA] Shams beat Woj to the punch on this bomb. Also, screw Woj. Nice piece for the Jazz to put next to Mitchell and Gobert, but it's no AD...
i could see butler punching harden in practice lol.
Both Lopez brother's are Free Agents this offseason, imagine a center rotation of Brook and Robin. Both are local LA guys too, I've seen them...
This is how teams like Milwaukee stay mediocre...good god.
welcome back real! i think all of those arguments makes sense, for anyone. the only thing that's hard for me to place a finger on is Kawhi's...
KD was an alpha. Lebron was an alpha. Chris Bosh was an alpha. Lebron being a pass first type of alpha pushes AD and Kawhi to be 1A/1B options...