I could see swapping Moe for a 2nd. Bonga and Jemerrio Jones can get bought out without incurring much right?
If someone told them 6 years ago that we would end up with Lebron James, AD, and another max player, they would laugh. We're the Lakers, if one...
Apparently he "Liked" a George Zimmerman tweet (the guy who shot Trayvon Martin, the "Hoodie Kid"), and now getting flamed for it. He gone....
Yeah, getting that 3rd max guy helps set our roster post-Lebron. That's the end goal here. I think it's quite very crucial to keeping AD here,...
Sooo...do they have the money to resign Butler and Reddick too? Kinda strange, guess he wants to go back to playing 4 next to Embiid.
Kuz and AD can create no problem.
Damn if he gave up $31M, he must have got something worth $60-80. Who would give him that? Knicks?
He’s pretty cool. I was at a club once a long time ago in Hollywood in the glory days and he gave me a fist bump after I called out “LO!!!”
Bonga has more potential then he does...
Or Moe "Kool Aid" Wagner.
What is the market for these players? Lopez $8-10M? DJ, Boogie, Horford, Valanciunas $10-15M? Vuc $16-20?
I heard New York is looking for some mediocre players to throw max at... :Laugh:
You're right, but it is an exception still worth $4.8 I believe. Would Beverly bite on that?
Especially when the very same package that even included Kuz was still "not enough." But somehow a regressed Tatum who showed he was too ball...
[IMG] "Rob, how many scenarios are we able to get AD and preserve max cap space?" "One."
Worth it.
[MEDIA] Excuse the language...it's IS Beverly though lol. I don't know what his market is though. $10M might be overpaying, and we won't have...
He works with a ball handling coach that I follow on IG called dribble2much or handlelife. Funny enough, the workouts were in LA at a private gym...