Ham hock isnt an offensive coach either
getting worse not better...the end
def wasnt good even with AD but for this general suckyness, its embarrassing some of the signings getting traded if this continues
he drew it to kickout to that corner, Cam was in that corner.....or was Cam a dummy and it shouldve been someone else in said corner? i guess...
yes, the starters haven't been hurt until today but i guess you counting on vando being the sf starter than being the missing piece that would...
watch the clip, you have no clue
did you watch the clip? sure looks like he drew a play for that corner shot...any another deflections?
this season game by game...if you think they're getting better then not sure we're watching the from same perspective, gm by gm wasnt clear...
havent seen any improvements at all, getting worser gm by gm but as other guy said, he moving that goal post
yr last statement maybe true but Reddish is statistically the worse of all our wings at 3s, heck i would've had more faith in vando taking that...
.500 is success i guess?
any 1 but cam, hell id have more faith in max even if he was 0-10 at that point
most of his 3s thus far have been WIDE open...just saying
no but with cam track record theres better chance itll get worse, id be more confident if that was woods tho....again Cam has been wide open on...
the worse 3pt shooter on the team, hes open for a reason and again down 1pt, didnt need a 3 by a horrible shooter
people hold their forms because its good habits if you have good form not when you shooting 15% n bricking badly
for bricking more 3s?
Reddish should be embarrassed at holding his form after that brick :Laugh:
decision made worse by gabe crappy shooting and already injured, while shroeder currently shooting 50% from field n 3s