Finally started Iron Fist... It's not as terrible as many say, but it ain't very good either. They missed the mark on several key things....I may...
Hey man thanks for the posts. It was great to be able to come here and read it without having to dig all over the net. Sent from my Moto G (4)...
relatively new. not sure if its dubbed yet... and DB is one of the few, if not the only, anime I just can't watch with subs... I hate Goku's voice.
I would bet money that the next major multi movie project is KotOR, it will no doubt be different than the games, but with such great characters...
Unlike Lucash who basically let folks run wild with the EU, Disney is super controlling over every detail of SW. That quote is there for a reason....
[spoiler] Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I have always thought the jedi were jacked up. The stoicism always bothered me even as a young kid. Anger is not wrong. Somethings should make...
I have a feeling Ezra and others will end up on Mandilore Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Rebels season 4 trailer: [MEDIA] Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Are the dubs out? Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
so luke is going to be a gray force user... book it... and right before the helmet on the floor you can hear what sounds like Leah saying "help...
What's interesting is they didn't even touch on the actual ragnorok events Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
[MEDIA] OH ME OH MY... That line about a co-worker is great!
We shall see, Rumble threw some heat and caught DC hard a few times. Once it went into the second it became clear he wanted out. Sent from my...
Oh I am not dismissing that Luke will be powerful, the whole direction if star wars in general is greater powers and greater spectacle. Just that...
I don't think it's that big a deal. Bendu is an ancient being that has transcended the issues of light and dark. In a way I think they are trying...
No doubt, Starkiller would have to be toned down, but i think that you could develop a good side arch dealing with all those force issues, The...
I try not to be too hard on rebels because of its intended audience. There were elements in the finale that were drab and other that were...
So season finale of Rebels was pretty great, but not as good as "Tatooine"
I can't lie, this has me excited.