I have learned that we can't believe anything Byron says. Nick was supposed to be benched for a while then was suddenly in the game. The young...
I like balanced discussions. Without it, this board would be nothing but a circlejerk where everyone is saying the same thing and re-stating the...
I thought he was banned
So what you're saying is...Sacre for Whiteside confirmed? :D
Parker's still having his minutes titrated back up, but he's looked okay...a little flabbier than I last saw him but that'll come with conditioning.
Dlo is the son Kobe never had. Tell me this doesn't scream Father & Son: [IMG]
But that's the principle problem. He can't get out of his own way. He wants the glory and he wants it his way. Without those conditions, he...
If we can unload KWAMAAYYYY BROWN for Pau Gasol, we gonna land Anthony Davis for Rob Sacre. Don't I wish...
We got 3 young guys who aren't afraid of the big moment. They'd probably have to fight eachother off for those moments. What a luxury.
Off the top of my head, I honestly can't even remember who went ahead of him besides Wiggins and Parker.
Like I said in gametime, Mitch probably called Byron into his office and glared at him for an hour. Message received.
Solid game for Lou. I feel we are under-appreciating him because he really struggled dealing with that hand injury. Lou is also pretty well...
I want to believe Kobe intentionally got "tight" and that he felt it was time for the kids to have their time.
I s*** on him all the time but I have to give credit where it's due. He had a very nice game for Sacre standards and did what we needed him to....
WMC: it took 20ish games for us to finally see more young guns and less Kobe...and the results speak for themselves. We literally saw the...
Was cooking early, this guy has so many speeds he can switch to at will. Hope the ankle is okay.
Nick is so good for us, why do we treat him so bad (Byron). Especially some friggin great defense tonight. SWAGGY D.
No credit at all to Byron tonight. NONE.
Just a beast! But as usual, needs to work on that jumper and definitely keep working on those free throws. Took a step backwards on the progress...
A glimpse at the future tonight when Kobe is resting the 4th and Byron isn't getting in the way (aka benching our future), it looks pretty good!