Looking at the rest of the december schedule it's sad to see this slim playoff hope is gone again already. and this season the west looks (at...
I am tired of his attitude and everything surrounding "Ball". I think maybe a run with the 2nd unit would do him well. Right now he is not helping...
you shouldn't or are you not interested in PG?!
So I guess we are safe there :D ...
Also Powell is much easier to Deal than Deng. He has some market value.
So how is this going. Watched two games this week and PG doesn't look so happy.
http://www.espn.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=y755tso5 Cavs get upgraded at the big position, send a pick there as well Mavs absorb deng but get...
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2742667-lavar-ball-says-lonzo-can-be-bigger-than-kobe-bryant-by-far ...
Yeah but that was the only highlight. One-on-One Dame was blowing by him. So far Lonzo to me is terrible on the defensive end.
He sprained his ankle a couple of games ago and missed time in training camp. Also he bulked up a bit. I guess that contributes as well. Maybe he...
Guys are freaking out way too much. Let's see if this shot happy trio figures out a way to play together. And PG basically said he wants to be a...
I don't think for someone like PG who said he wants to be a MVP a situation where is clearly second and sometimes 3rd fiddle guy is a really...
So PG was Iiterviewed on the Mayweather/McGregor weigh-in He was asked about the LA talk and OKC He doesn't sound like he changed much his mind...
I see the same problem there as it would be in Houston. Basically three ball dominant guys with PG being the most facilitator like guy. Makes it...
Did the Spurs sign anyone of relevance besides Gay? Is Pau still around?
thats what i thought too
Any news on who might sponsor the jerseys?
Any news regarding the backup PG?