ok, as LT said, i was asleep when all this happened and have been trying to process whilst making breakfast for the family... first, this is, as...
yeah, this tends to be my feeling on it. it's why i was glad he showed up and played against washington--we needed that win, and the media and...
yeah, though i espouse a "lakers reversal" more than a "lakers curse"--bad shooters do better here, good ones do worse. but bogdanovic is a good...
lol, if i were a hardcore lakers hater, i'd totally buy that jersey.
ah...clips can also play the buyout market now without going into the tax--also can pick up players who made a ton of money and got cut, right?...
spurs can't keep winning the lotto, right? just...probability and statistics say no? only thing i can think of is that they feel like they'll be...
interesting--i thought the clips would swing bigger than this. i honestly would have been ok had we moved for eubanks, though his name hadn't...
you don't think he relies as much on athleticism as wall? i feel like he does, and i think it's part of why he had already experienced a...
yikes on murray...does this impact NO's plans? john wall was about the same age when he had the achilles (and was on a similar trajectory in many...
yeah, a lot of ink is spilled about wasting years of stars' lives (here and elsewhere), but i think SA's clock should be ticking loudly right now....
who's us and them in this situation? i didn't choose message board teams. i chose an idea, as i've already explained. That’s why I asked “what...
i may look dumb later, but assuming the same price, i'm actually taking vuc over capela. and i'm traditionally a defense over offense guy.
yeah, don't love the timing of road games against ny and the clips without AD happening during the last bit of negotiations, but getting well over...
not sure how it's "fans versus front office". can i say the same about siding with biased bloggers? it's just a difference of opinion. i don't...
sengun over sabonis is also really rough. you're taking the poor man's sabonis over sabonis? but yeah, i like jalen williams, but nobody's...
the point of a post like that is to make people think about sneering about the value of injured players, as if it's not a real consideration....
only issue with vando is career-long injury absences. otherwise, yes--he's worth near twice his contract. reaves may be worth almost thrice his....
it's getting near vucevic or bust territory, it seems. if we did the rumored trade for bogdanovic, we could move rui/wood or hayes/heavily...
irwin saying we're looking at gabe/jhs/2nds for bogdanovic. i wondered when i saw his name out there if we'd call, mostly because lebron and AD...