What does my boy JHS even do to warrant an injury report :LLLLLebronlaughing:
He is overthinking his next shot, the anticipation gives him paralysis in other areas lol
He was decent on D unlike the previous games but still got backdoored a few times…He needs to study early Klay defense
I feel every shot he takes is a penciled miss…
I like it!
Damaged goods
Both lil Scottie and stinky Jay Huff will tear our scrubs a new one
I’m with Coach Maz and crazy Cousins [ATTACH]
I saw what that ATL rookie did to Lebron’s bicep, scraped all the skin like a lash from a whip
AD thinks goggles are uncool smh some childhood trauma from all the teasing.
Twin towers?
Leading scorer this game, two good games in a row, more good games than bad yeah hot and cold
This season’s deadman sigh
Sigh, change your diet my boy, you aren’t healing normally with artificial meat
:Laugh: As I said here before we don’t need ten Gabe, 1 Gabe misses enough open shots that it feels we have 10 Gabes already…
How come you’re more patient with Knecht than my boy JHS? There seems to be a reason for that
They look like prime Miami Heat LBJ Wade Bosh in season dominance right now
Sigh…at the title change… it’s still the same thing:Laugh:
It as a disaster movie and not the good kind
Rook gotta make those shots, he’s over thinking