[MEDIA] Correct. Stupid rook
Sophomore jinx, every one gets it
Still better than JHS
Cam is all about the extra moolah
I feel we can start Knecht4 if Cam starts with him
how dare you [ATTACH]
They also gave up Dyson Daniels, one of the Pelican Laker pick. Emerging monster better than Murray by himself :Laugh:
I don’t like these shooting slumps, he needs to pay attention to details especially his poor (for him) FT shooting at this point
If Vando comes back and starts I’m ok with Dalton starting, if not, I don’t think he’ll be effective being attacked every single time on D to...
[MEDIA] :LLLLLebronlaughing: It’s just 13 games
Not Ham.
Some head scratching plays like the running out the clock bs
It’s the betting odds that started it
I miss this so much:Laugh:
Worth every penny
That 2 in 1 with Reaves got him in trouble with his teammates :LLLLLebronlaughing:either such a bad read or selfish
Buck Williams impersonation
His reputation took a hit by being a mole on the team:Laugh:He would have been great with DK4
He’s still fat:Magic2: probably by January he’ll be back to his old self
I’m with Slick and Ox, two guys who never agree on anything, except with Zion:Laugh: Let’s go get Zion