Killed our next few years, we absolutely got nothing of value
instead of having a monster frontline of Zu and AD, we are now scrambling to find a big body to play with or back up AD. I’m still seething nearly...
Those misses in the last few seconds are tired legs shots lol
What I would give for a real good backup point guard right now like a Gary Payton II or a Scotty Pippen Jr…too bad we are not lucky like GSW and Griz
I had some disagreements with how Kobe’s thickheadedness when he played but I miss him on my team so much
And the hairline goes:giggle:
He needs to hit his first shot and not leave his man like a fool
Ja loves to hunt these big names to dunk on
Fantastic in control game, also played defense well enough
Defensive monster and scored a crucial basket too
I congratulate @The Showtime Mamba and @KuzmoBall17 for staying in GT with me despite the odds and we take all credit for this victory...
We won lmao
Kareem has been an a** to everyone
This pick set us back a few years…
Loss after loss after loss
Agreed let’s gamble and hope Zion stops stuffing his mouth with sweets and carbohydrates
I’m at a loss what this conversation is all about? Sigh…
The days of having Rambis, Nater, Lansberger and Steve Mix in one roster are long gone
I think it’s the NBA who’s holding us back from trading for Kessler because we won’t give up either Knecht or Reaves… over the quota @sirronstuff