It was just a shooting drill but LeBron looked quick. Those are little things that tell a lot.
This is a great point and one of those interesting things to watch. I'm with AR in thinking DLO is going to have a breakout year. They are fun to...
Leaves are on the ground, light dusting of snow, and the feel of a championship is in the air. Great time to a Laker.
There just isn't anyway to look at Max and the work he has put in and not be impressed. The guy must have lived in the weight room. His defense is...
Got so excited about the season I forgot to mention MVP frontrunner AD!
Going to be one of my favorite players. DLO, Austin, Max and Christian. Colin when he plays.
Rob has really set us up. LeBron can play just enough to stay sharp and fresh for the playoffs and still be a high seed. Excited to see DLO get...
This post is so spot on I hope everyone reads it three or four times.
We are getting way off my point. All I was saying is this is a complete 180 on his coaching philosophy. We are winning the championship and beyond...
It probably doesn't matter a whole lot right at this moment, but if a team hits hard times it is important the players can trust what the coach...
Players have to prove themselves every year. Otherwise you end up with Westbrook situations. The past is the past. Slick always brings a good...
Exactly, players aren't stupid. So what happens when they go through camp and it is clear one of the designated starters has not earned his spot?...
Good thing we have Austin to offset the Dame and Jrue movement. To me, Jrue to Boston is more concerning than Dame to the Bucks. We still kick...
I'm expecting Austin to just keep getting better and better. I like how he isn't afraid to speak up about looking forward to busting up the...
I don't mind Ham naming starters if that is what he wants to do. What I think is just plain bad coaching is talking all this time about...
I agree that Rui will be huge for us. I would start him from what I know so far, mainly because I am not confident in AD or Lebron to shoot well...
Hey, I predicted
Agreed. Having worked out through the off-season will make the likelihood of injuries much less. I don't think AD is so much injury prone as he...
I lied. I have to complain now. With Ham already claiming DLO is the starting point guard he is already talking out of both sides of his mouth. He...
AD is an MVP candidate, and we absolutely should build our offense and defense around him. With the roster we have we can do that. From what I...