Plus as much as I poke fun at Ham he is building a hard working team first culture here. The Lakers are pretty much going to be contenders or...
JHS is going to be just what we need in a season or two.
The Warriors were afraid of Colin and went all
Bring Colin in for that.
We would be relying on a good defensive scheme, rotations, traps. The ultra quick guards are too much for one guy and with a good offense we can...
It still pains me we traded Zu especially since he is just what we have been needing. IMO Colin is even more skilled and over the next couple...
Agreed. He is looking good.
That was a joke. Has to be taken in context with the rest of the
Surely, Ham is just trying to be enthusiastic and supportive of his The one thing I have learned about this coach is to not put any...
Completely agree. Once he gets inside sometimes that extra second to gain his balance, a fake for contact, and a more controlled shot would go...
It was nice to see CW knock some of the concrete off his shoes. I had not seen him play much so I wasn't sure what to expect. Once he plays...
Max was out of sync offensively early. What I liked was he didn't let that stop him from still playing defense and doing other things. Finally...
I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to so I will only say this. The games don't count yet but the preparation for the season very much...
Ham should be kept away from the microphones. Surely he isn't that foolish but he just starts talking and likes to hear himself so much he can't...
Over reacting on this site? Can't
A good thought.
Instead of letting that series defeat him, he is using it as fuel. I don't think this version of DLO will fade.
From what I've seen so far he would be my pick. Nice we got so many to pick from.
Looks like we are going to get his best season.
A differing opinion than yours is not stupid, just a differing opinion. It is actually good to have debate. Rarely is anyone all right or all...