It is a great problem to have and even a few minutes keeps Max ready if we need him. The team played well and maybe a little obscured by that was...
As you should. What he is doing brings us to another level.
AD is completely changing the ways teams are going to have to play against us. Bad for a player's brand to keep getting swatted like
Still haven't seen the game in its entirety so thanks for the breakdown. We don't like the easy route for sure.
Right on Zen. This is the way to beat Denver. Wood/Hayes alternating guarding Jokic. Always a fresh antagonizing irritating body on him. AD free...
"Slick says, them are fighting words" is my all time favorite. I had to take off work. Couldn't quit Cookie you ever come back...
With a coach like Ham there is no way we can lose to Portland.
The Rockets are a good example of what a good coach can bring to a team. I'm in no way insinuating Ham is not a good
No, you got to be smarter than that man. You get the players ready that might have to play. As you illustrate with your all or nothing thinking...
You have that just a little twisted and It is preparing for the here and now. Prepare players for when there are injuries that...
No one can disagree with that stare.
You don't seem to think Frank is much of a coach so that doesn't seem like much to brag on.
This is where the extremists all ways get bent out of shape. You don't have to bench anyone to give a guy a few minutes here or there so if he is...
My favorite part. Don't have to see anyone for weeks if I don't want
Are you moving to Alaska by chance??
Just watched the game again without emotions involved. Game showed Austin's value. Ham took him out of the starting line because it was the...
Never might be stretching but the way the west is I'm not sure there are any meaningless games. Some teams might fall off a cliff but...
Love Cam the player but can't argue with your shooting
I do want to acknowledge Ham for recognizing we had playing like crap and making a change. First quarter still wasn't much but we won the game so...
I like when players step up and make me eat my words. Great game. Kudos to Ham as well.