As long as Rui keeps working hard on D and making progress on it and rebounding and not a bad negative on D I think he’s a much better offensive...
We have the the Wemby “stopper” now :giggle: ;) …. no need to keep the Wemby bait for when he wants out in 8 years?
So much easier now too to fan the flames and hate with social media and anonymity.
This is gospel here but exactly what evidence do we have that in the strategy meetings Kurt and Linda aren’t actually smart with their input and...
I’d think there’s going to be great players / coaching collaboration in designing and running our new offense and defense AND there are going to...
The giver I am I read this and ran out and picked this up for you. Now I have to watch too. :) [MEDIA]
Which 2-way is gone we collectively wonder? Guessing LIFO with Jemison now that we have Williams?
:Adburn: …. Great stuff :rock:
I said it like 5 times here while the pitchforks were out from all the mind readers since last summer up until the day of the Luka trade …. EVEN...
Wow … thanks coach!! Now you and I get the sittin’ in a tree meme post. :Laugh:
I see it not as three ball dominant players all needing their touches but rather more like JJ having the opportunity to create marvelous...
For this team with who we have on it now and the fine touch to get this group of uber talented basketball players to believe in you and want to...
You can keep making your case and wanting it for some good reasons. JJ is NOT going to do it for IMO far better reasons. :Kobe Shrug:
Galactically better scheme above than putting AR back on the bench. For far lesser advantages than what he brings as a starter with the Big 3 to...
You have a nice/odd way with words. :D :rock:
Well c’mon be honest now …. Lakers getting Luka is not on the level of Lacob landing Butler. Or why else would he be beating his chest with the...
He looks in shape again to do it. :Magic Brows:
Sign with the Cavs Ben. Don’t throw Ballz a lifeline of any sort of upgrade value. It’s the JV in LA and you look like a Kardashian “type”. Bad...