I'm scared this Princeton offense will stifle the kids' growth. I don't get why we're going through it again when it failed miserably with 4...
Low risk, high reward, and he has a lot of upside. He was great in limited minutes tonight in SL vs the #1 draft pick. :clap:
Like I said in the summer league thread... Flashes of Devean George...
Southpaw Soundtrack is produced by Shady Records??? :eek: Must add to my Shady collection...
Sorry just gotta share this being Filipino myself [MEDIA]
Any chance we can get Steve Nash as part of the coaching staff? Russell would benefit a lot from him, much like Clarkson did last season.
Russell would have got 3 or 4 more assists if some of his teammates converted... like that alley-oop to JC that he just missed. His court vision...
Guess what? I've got a fever! And the only prescription for the next game... is more UPSHAW!!!
Should've said all that on Wednesday DIRECTLY to the man you're apologizing to. True Clipper indeed... #NoClass
They did. Too much touch fouls called in the 4th... got Lavine for a T... Towns for 8 fouls LOL
Anthony Brown = #3 = this generation's Devean George? Oh great... @JSM is gonna kill me now for mentioning the great DG's name.
Rebounding was really solid though. Tarik Black is just an absolute monster on the inside. Did he play with Upshaw at all?
Upshaw >>> Sacre. He's our Anti-Towns. Love his competitive spirit. Sign him now. Russell was good. Those passing skills were in display but...
Just make sure Broussard's sources tell Mark Cuban where Deron is staying in Dallas. Don't want to eff this one up.
The Rooks are signed! LET'S DO THIS!!!!
It certainly not as bad as it was for the past two seasons. I won't be upset if we miss the playoffs third year in a row. I understand we're in...
Awesome! We still have some trade bait for teams who want to tank!
If Cuban is indeed embracing full tank mode, there's no better way than dumping Sacre and Kelly to the Mavs for their starting lineup. They got...
That Doc comment is just absolutely classless. Yeah... you and Ballmer are totally made for each other. I wouldn't be surprised if his next move...
When Demar went down last season, he stepped up and help the Raptors stay at the top of the East. From what I've seen, he comes in the game,...