[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Isn't this something that should be taught in-game by... I don't know... the coach or one of the assistants???? And I don't...
Other than Byron... my WMC would be the refs. Horrible 3rd quarter officiating. Horrible 4th quarter officiating with those touch fouls Lou got...
Insert Kobe "You're soft" gif after this link and snippet:...
"Close-out games are actually kind of easy" Potatohead actually did OK during his first year (granted it was a lockout shortened season). We got...
Golden State Warriors at it again this early in the season. They score in bunches in a hurry AND play defense. It's what the 05-06 Phoenix Suns...
The only thing I'll give credit Pringles for as a Laker head coach as opposed to Byron was that he ran some semblance of offense. He also rode...
Biggest Kobe fanboy we have...
His chemistry with D-Lo in the 2nd half is starting to get there. They played a nice two-man game and got the lead down to 8. I like what I see...
4 yrs - $17 mill. Final year is team option according to Ramona...
#LeaveBScott billboards too?
If they continue to slide... watch the Rockets fire Lurch and beat us to Thibs...
I never thought playoffs either, but somewhere close to it like what the Suns did the last couple of years: show improvement in their young core...
Optimism for today: Houston is also 0-3. That's all I got... unfortunately.
Any expletives directed to your old mentor there, Kobe???
The quotes by DAR are more troublesome for me. Team with no confidence and praising the other team for having a great offense... hmmm...
WMC: Baseball is done and it's looking like it's gonna be a long & painful Laker season... *sigh*
This guy... :Headpoint: SMH
BEAST MODE... until Byron says stop.
Yes... lets' keep taking the young guys out who are actually making an impact on the game. How does Sirron say it? "GENIUS!!!"
The Rockets are 0-3???