I don't believe for a second that if Westbrook was moved for a decent return that LeBron or AD would be offended. What else are they going to say...
Regardless of any analytics or whatever, I will never trust Westbrook at the end of games, in clutch situations or in the playoffs. Period. If...
Can't believe I am saying this but if John Wall gets bought out, is it worth it?
Lol Mario Chalmers' prime was trash.
I'll be stunned if THT is here after the deadline.
I've been hesitant to say it, but we really need to try and make some moves. This ain't it chief.
It feels like we have been blown out so many times. *Checks notes* We have.
I'm wondering if this 10 day tryout means we are gearing up for a trade (assuming it goes well). Either way, I'm rooting for IT. As a fellow 5'9...
Okay I'm officially worried.
Ugh. Don't know why, but first thing I thought of was Kobe. Staples and Kobe are synonymous. Bummed about the name change.
The Suns literally won the west dude and were up 2-0 on the Bucks.
I sadly, very sadly, was one that didn’t think losing Caruso would have a substantial impact. Jesus Christ was I wrong.
I am petrified of Russ having the ball in his hands in a close playoff game.
Hahaha I know I’m not reading Smush references. Boys it’s still early in the year. Save those gems for later if he’s still awful lol.
This is the take. 100%.
Agree in the public forum sure, but I HIGHLY doubt that was out of no where. Remember that we only know what we hear and see in the public view,...
Every time I see AD load up a 3, my confidence level is literally 0 it will go in.
On a serious note: I hope some day that Kyrie gets the help that he very clearly needs. You know, like learning that the world is round and...