Where is this coming from? I feel there is this idea that Max showed real flashes last year and Ham held him back. From what I saw I thought he...
I think he was hurt. The ankle looked like it was bothering him before yesterday
2 points, no rebounds, no assists, no rebounds, no steals in 16 minutes against the 76ers????? How is that even possible
I think Dlo, Gabe, JHS, and min matches Schroeder and Cam Johnson. I would be really interested in something like that.
Really really good man defense: those cornerback like hips and his quick hands just make a huge defense for the defense. On top of that he's...
Much better off the bench: still some real weird TOs and has seemed to have lost his ability to find the bigs off the PnR consistently. Overall...
Come on my man Knecht is getting in the right spots and just missing some wide open looks. he showed some good hustle and the ability to...
Ballsy coach: not only the Dlo switch but he basically took a big dump on the FO and the max signing by benching him. I thought the Lakers for...
They should start him for the rest of the year: that will show me.
Lopez, Portis, Trent all looked washed. Lopez as a backup C could still be good as he'd have a reduced load but I'm worried that contract 24...
JJ going to have a heart attack at this rate - hopefully he's taking care of his cardiac risk factors
At the end of the day it is a competitive market so the final product should be a definite part of the evaluation. Right now he bet on...
His agent needs to make him understand he's playing for his next contract. Even if he gets traded, he could get hurt and not just suddenly improve...
this is logically incorrect. Just because A > B doesn't mean that B > C or to simplify A > B > C. Schroeder/Walker > Vincent/Prince >...
This is what I was getting at though - he barely played not because he didn' get chances. He got chances and Ham had to pull him. It was unreal...
I mean did the team not actually watch him play last year? I have posted several times that people got really fixated on a few Max highlights...
I mean he can pass the Westbrick debacle off to Lebron and AD but the FA's signing and letting people go has been awful. Chose THT/Nunn over...
Watching the game - this was the decisive sequence. Lakers were totally in it, playing well, Lebron/Cam going, AR struggling with his 3 point...
We miss the WCF roster. Schroeder and Lonnie are way better max, gabe
Old man with nothing left to prove has more pride and love of competing then half the roster it feels at times