that's what i'm expecting
i can't envision tatum/brown core winning another title unless stevens makes some big moves. holiday and horford are old, porzingis is always...
not sure. i remember first seeing this around 09 or so on CL. made for a funny meme template. it was for sure before the 2010 finals. doc hung it...
embiid is forgetting that it was portland who traded holiday to boston for peanuts
guess the C Bags will finally be able to fill that blank banner that's been hanging at their practice facility since 09 or so [ATTACH]
the C Bags winning aside, this has easily been the worst finals since the cavs-KD warriors finals in 17 and 18. neither team has played great at...
west is one of the few players from back in the day who i believe would still be a star in today's NBA
and that coming from a guy who wasn't fond of west to say the least lakers keep on looking worse and worse for that embarrassment of a message
lakers constantly choked in game 7s against boston throughout the 60s 1962-lost by 3 in OT in game 7. frank selvy missed a wide open 12 foot shot...
i think that pathetic statement says it all about how jeannie still viewed jerry she's such a s***stain on this organization
such a pathetic loser [IMG]
hurley will no doubt deny he used the lakers as leverage (obviously) i don't blame him for not taking the job. too much uncertainty in the future...
one of the most legendary and influential people in NBA history guy was an all time great player and somehow, he became an even better executive....
what they need to do is give teams a second challenge if they win the first
boston won't even miss a beat with porzingis out. they've been playing without him most of the playoffs anyways
that's assuming hurley actually considered the lakers job and wasn't just using them for leverage. guess we'll never know. not like its the first...
not that he's an inspiring choice or anything, but i'd much rather they hire borrego than redick if its really between those two. still think...
i don't think hurley was ever serious about leaving uconn and used the lakers as leverage to get a massive contract from uconn in the future the...
its not like the lakers would've known what was going through hurley's head. they likely saw him as sign of stability post-lebron and that's why...