I'll save a seat for you when you're ready to jump off the Julius Randle train.
-22 & 4 TOs in 22 mins of played. Most on the team, yet some people on here think he's improving? absolutely 0 basketball IQ. I will bring a...
I don't like to toot my own horn, but just sayinz. He needs to either start or be the 1st one off the bench for us to have a chance.
When you compared yourself to Draymond Green:...
Because this is Julius 4th year in the league. He should be getting better, but he's not. His moves are extremely predictable and he's a ball...
Julius Randle +/- from last night -13 & 3TOs He might had a good game last night, but he's not making anybody around him better. He's like a...
I think this guy got worst. Straight garbage.
The amount of wide open shots this guy passed up the last 2 games are ridiculous. Either he's not aggressive enough or just not confident to take...
The way we played these past 2 games, we will be lucky if we win 30 games this season.
He needs to start for us to have a chance. Same old Randle, same old Nance.
He definitely improves from last season, but just not enough for us to keep him.
Did you watch Zu in the summer league? He's definitely not ready for Prime Time. Obviously Luke is not too confident in him backing up Lopez....
Doesn't help that homie's running around with Odell Beckham side piece in that video. Come on man!
'I'm a playa" Bruh, you ain't a playa till you make it to the postseason. I see Swaggy P has influenced him a little too much. Get this clown...
Clarkson and Randle are pretty much goners after this season. Time to accept it. Magic is trying to sell high on these 2 at the deadline.
damn it, who cut the onion :-l
Don't you dare put my boy Kuzma in that package!!!
Even though Rose and Lonzo are very different, Lonzo can certainly learn a thing or two about ball handling and finishing around the rim from Rose...
Game recognizes Game :) What can I say, we both have eyes for talent. We should probably apply for opening scout positions for the Knicks....
"Let me explain. D-Rose has been where Lonzo is right now and is possibly one of the only few people in the NBA who would understand what Lonzo is...