lol this made me laugh.
we still talking bout charisma? lol
well technically he cant cuz the season hasn't started yet
he is still trying to figure them out to this day.
I think whoever is messing up these murals are just idiots seeking attention. its not laker fans. might not even be fans at all, just idiot or...
I'm surprised with Jamal Crawford. hes still capable of being a serviceable back up.
dunno. was hoping you guys can guess who it is.
guess who his agent is
now that's a bad azz mural
it's always a risk but more times than not the scouts have done wonders evaluating talent
you can probably get a whole thread worth of trolling kevin Durant. that'll be some food entertainment
made me laugh a bit lol
I remember last time I went to Hooters there was more grease than fries and wings combined. it was pretty nasty.
I haven't bought a movie in so long. But infinity war is definitely the one I'll be getting. Might just get the digital copy
Mmm mcrib. Nasty goodness. Buccnasty :Hungryfordoom:
I prefer not to trade ingram and hart for Beal cuz i said so :Waltonfingerwave:
Well Leonard could still happen. Hes just on layaway right now
I'd rather stick with ingram and hart.
We need another big body. We are good from 1 through 4. I'm sure magic and rob are working on something.