One of these things is not like the other
Forget California. The Lakers are the world's strongest global brand in basketball.
I think it's Plan C for the Lakers. Just a question of if Russell would wait which I dont see why he would wait too long if there's big money...
I think you guys are reading it wrong: if Kawhi joins the Clippers he wants another max FA with him. Basically what's happening is the Clippers...
It was 2m I believe before the change, but sure. In the end it is unlikely to matter much. He'll make that money up in an instant with the Lakers....
Over the life of the contract he'd lose less than 2 million. I think he'd be alright.
Of those I'd think KCP and Rondo would do it for the right situations (minutes/starting). Jordan I could see if he got a start next to 3 stars....
Charlotte is determined to never be good. What in the world does that roster even have now?
So far sounds like a) Kawhi b) Butler and c) D'angelo/Beverley. I wonder how patient everyone will be.
I'm not familiar with the combine physicals. I'll look into it though. It's possible these guys get xrays but I really wouldn't know. There's...
I wouldn't blame the Lakers to be honest. There's no accounting for taste. We've done literally everything right, but sometimes that doesn't...