I liked TB's energy and enthusiasm. His scoring won a couple of games for us when AD was out. But, yeah the interior D was lacking. Bonus: Rob...
I would consider swapping Vanderbilt to start at PF and Rui off the bench. Vand would give a defensive player next to AD, a stronger rebounder and...
Two thoughts on a potential DLo trade: It would motivate @trodgers to hang out on site more. :Westbrook Come Here2: I would need @D-Fish Man to...
It's not just the video of AD sitting and not cheering LeBron hitting the record breaker. It's the captured audio of LeBron telling AD he wants...
I agree with your post wholeheartedly except for you dismissing his qualifier about "any franchise". There is no other way to interpret that IMO...
Russ was good tonight, but yes, I want him gone. Dennis was garbage tonight though.
I would give up one of the FRPs, top 5 protected for that deal.
Ughhh. 47 million for the literal worst shooter in the league.
@lakerjones sneaking an optimistic post into the WMC juuust before midnight thinking no one would notice. [IMG]
Conley's three point shot has dipped this year, but even at 36% he will help our spacing compared to Russ. Not to mention we would be trading...
Yeah I'm ready to embrace Krazy Kyrie if it gets us off Russ, but I 1000% support offering him a 2 year extension to match up with LeBron. No way...
@JSM it would be great if you would copy this post in the Transactions thread too.
You've posted this in three different threads and I proved to you it was a FAKE report.
LOL, that's not 70 million in one year. Dort earns $15 million per year. There is no realistic way for us to trade Westbrook to OKC. Here is a...
Not sure where these internet reports get generated. There must be some Fake Report Factory that goes into action every trade deadline. There is...