This whole circus is just getting silly at this point. Will this dude just pick a team The lakers are the better option in every sense
Comment of the day right here That gif gets me every time man
This is getting outta hand now lmao. Like yea Kawhi is going to make his decision based on how "private and respectful" the Clippers have been....
Idk why everyone wants a low % shooter with no D at 20m+ per year. Maybe because we drafted him I guess?
Lmaoooo this is f'in hilarious man
Klay is a warrior
"At least Kobe would shoot the team out of the game before he'd let Fisher lead in scoring" lmaoooooo (posted by someone on another forum)
Imagine Lebron, AD and Klay. Jeez! That's a very balanced three headed monster
If that Steph long 3 went in, goddamn that would've been beautiful
The warriors never stop with these silly passes eh Also, earlier this season I said Klay is one of the least likable guys in the league. I was...
Dlo is like a poor man's Beal lol. Many may disagree, but you gotta compare their stats
Warriors clueless on D tonight, been giving up open looks all night
Cousins has missed so many shots under the rim tonight
Warriors just can't come close enough
Lowry is a b***** lol Also some horrible officiating this game, mainly favouring Raptors
This would be a sweep if Warriors had a full squad lol
The first replay seemed to show Gasol getting him on the elbow, with a lot of contact there
Steph started the game 1-8, has since gone 8-12, for a total of 9-20. Respect
Jesus christ the splash brothers have come alive! Just what we needed!
Seriously, as soon as the Warriors win this, it doesn't matter who wins the finals!