I don't even really want Aldridge, he's wildly inefficient, 16 feet+ shooter as a 7 footer (at 40%) and you're not Dirk? And he's too chicken to...
Ha, just randomly decided to check out the other Lakers forums because of the madness and randomly saw your post. Let's hope we snag one of these...
Server hardware is being retired and replaced, tons of data to carry over from the old servers and that can take some time as there were millions...
[SPOILER] I like the different storylines and how they all play into one another, but sometimes it's frustrating having to wait 2 or 3 weeks to...
Gotta milk that cash cow until it's dry.
Spin-off is happening and it will be in the same zombie world, but not connected to the current story or group in Atlanta at all....
The very beginning of Season 5 featured him telling everyone this. They don't say her name, Darryl is on a voiceover while it shows them making...
Darryl told Maggie that Beth was taken in the box car at Terminus.
I was hoping that Carl would get to put one of those dudes down when they opened the door and then Rick would silence them before they were able...
I read a story from someone that was actually at the game. He's a former NBA player playing overseas and I guess those guys are instant targets...
c'mon guys i should be crossfaded by then and am looking forward to this draft! is there a post in LD?
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It is incredible to me how so many people have taken her comments as 'Anyone not joining the Lakers is a loser.' When that isn't even remotely...
So do the Lakers simply get that cash back or is that salary cap space we get back? From what I'm seeing, this would barely even put us under the...
You know. I really do like Steve Nash. And he was honest with us about getting to this point because he wanted the money. But he just cost us $10...