Yup super sloppy.
If we lose to the 76ers it's time to [IMG] Oh and Jim Buss needs to go.
God Damn we suck that early season got me excited now i'm depressed... heres hoping we win 25 games.
Hard to believe the biggest disappointment this year and been a veteran like deng. The same guy the bulls didn't want to trade when we were...
Its just to young and hes played to little to already be having knee issues...
I know this sounds crazy but maybe DLO isn't injured and hes faking it so they can pump nick youngs numbers up even more then trade him.
Yea wtf he never even got hurt on a play and his knees are randomly jacked... Trade him and a 1st pick for John Wall
well this sucks knee problem already into your 2nd season...
That was a awesome win god damn it feels so good to just get wins again, even if we win just 35 games it feels so good not to tank anymore. And...
I've actually been incredibly impressed with mosgov after all the s*** they got for signing him.
I would have never thought the Mosgov signing would end up being better then the deng signing but man deng has looked awful. I've never followed...
I'm 36 so i was like 12 - 15 during those early 90's playoff runs with eddie and nick etc... And man I can remember yelling at campbell as a kid...
Wiggins and Kat are some talented dudes, sucks the lakers lost. But it's cool to watch some of the incredible young talent coming up right now.
Playing Gears of War 4 horde mode awesome game.
Never liked elden i just felt he took to many plays off.
Yea vlade was awesome he could run the floor and pass so well for a big man. [MEDIA]
I've been impressed with mozgov barkley was even praising his play. I think people should always trust mitch!
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Thank You byron i will never forget!
I'm just loving what i'm seeing I said before the season started they would win 35 - 40 games who knows they might do a bit better the way there...