An NBA insider had a different (and broader) take on Kyrie Irving and the Nets. “Kyrie is the move. They should offer Anthony Davis with Russell...
Alot of filler comments (this one included). Tomorrow when I wake up I hope there's news worth commenting about. Goodnight.
1 frp & few 2nd rounders that we'll buy back every yr anyways.
[MEDIA] Gotta love Klay....
If the Lakers are going for Hield only, they need to include Nunn & prob a pick, better be a 2nd. Hoping the Jazz would take THT+PICK for JC. Keep...
I'd rather target JC than Hield. We need that bucket getter off the bench.
Minnesota Fd this all up giving away 100 picks for Elden Campbell now NBA trades are at a halt.
Baskonia forward Simone Fontecchio will be signing a two-year contract with the Utah Jazz according to Eurodevotion. If the report is confirmed...
If DA signs without trade. Theyll have too many bigs. THT+Nunn for Turner. Westbrook + 2 FRP For Kyrie + Joe or Seth.
THT + 2nd rd pick for Jordan Clarkson. Jazz want to rebuild & go young. JC as our 6 man dayummm!
Give Brooklyn Spida & 2-3 of those Jazz FRP via Memphis for KD. IDC. Just need kd to go so kyrie can be traded to la asap.
Russ, THT, 2 FRP for Kyrie, Joe, & Seth. Get it done Mitch.
Kyrie career fg & 3pt% 47.0/39.3 Hield career fg & 3pt% 43.0/39.9 F*** THEM PICKS
Guess loyalty doesn't have an expiration date.
[MEDIA] Some comic relief this morning. Happy Friday & let's go get Uncle Drew!
Kyrie to Lakers by weekends end. Book it.