anti jinx. Your correct it would change things. So would Butler or Bam Rubble testing positive. Although the Heat are doing a good enough job...
So the Lakers got a load of zone tonight and they go and set an NBA record for 3's in a Finals. This team is destined to ride the purple-n-gold...
Play you're man, Kill you inside , , , Play you're zone, Kill you outside. Either way, we're gonna kill you. Moon over Miami over.
[ATTACH] Landed one here !!
That's a good family story. Great for D39, greater for the kid. Agreed above. In the days of Laimbeer, Moses Malone, even back to Wilt physical...
Denver is going to get the calls if the Lakers don't keep the RPMs over 7K...
Kuz and Greene need to step up.
Denver is playing better in the late 3rd qtr. Bron is going to need to play it out. 21 - 8 r un unacceptable. Murry hobbled, Jock itch in foul...
They are mailing it in. Totally getting out hustled. Lakers shooting is cold and their feet are slow. This series is scripted to go 6 or 7 so...
is there a game thread I missed.
Oh and BTW, the Lakers look gasses or lazy. Not a great development...
Wr can live with the Jock-itch's freak shots. Need to answer tho. Thank you Markief !! LBJ needs to rebound and turn up the energy. 10...
Lakers need to settle down and dominate on defense. 3:00 mins left in the half. Play D and run. Green and Rindo need to hit the shots. Green...
Raging waters run deeper.
Or does he have it under his easy demeanor?
Things are trending toward Denver. Plus there playing with their logo and color in the bubble floor.. Need to step on their necks game 3.. !!...
Too close for comfort . Jock itch has a nice stroke from 3. Nervous time
They're letting the play early in game 2. Let's go!!
I see that. That will only work if we don't convert. They'll have to come out on us if we do. Get Zubac in foul trouble, then we can also take...