I’m kind of indifferent on Ingram, he’s an All-Star caliber guy that will be overpaid but isn’t quite that next level star the Lakers like to...
Haha, yeah, we’ll be fighting Minnesota, Sacto, and SA for 10th soon enough as well, and then for the rest of the season if we are fortunate. The...
If I remember right Turner and Hield was for Westbrook and the 2 firsts, plus whatever else to make salary work. Back then we said it was too...
Trademongers, that’s pretty funny. With extreme hindsight the one trade we likely should have done is the 2 firsts for Myles Turner and Hield....
Yeah, this needs to stop. Bring up Olivari and give him a shot, or just don’t play Gabe at all and give Max all his minutes. There’s no reason for...
I’m glad Dalton is scoring like 20 every game, but it can’t be with AD scoring 15, wtf man? 9 shots, 1 in the 4th, what are we doing? This guy was...
He’s been a little more consistent lately, still up and down, but at least contributing in noticeable ways unlike goose egg Gabe [MEDIA]
He continues to be solid. [MEDIA]
It’s funny when coaches get frustrated and start to state the obvious [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Could be wrong, but I’m sensing egos coming into play here. Our stars certainly don’t want to give up shots, and Austin was the man here before...
Yikes [MEDIA]
It’s wild that there are players this talented (and yes I know he isn’t THIS good, but still) just sitting out because there are no roster spots....
This is what went wrong. [MEDIA] They know they have us no matter what the score is, and we know they have us. It’s like how we felt playing...
I for one am just shocked, absolutely stunned, that the team that knocked us out of the playoffs last season beat us badly again. I mean we tried...
I don’t put everything into stats, but that’s bad. Even with Dwight playing multiple seasons to Gabe’s limited time that is bad. [MEDIA]
He was fantastic, 39 points, 9 boards, 3 blocks. Just don’t pass him the ball at the end of games when intentional fouling is going on if you can...
This is not a good defensive team, we’ve just been playing some very injured teams and squeaking by, outscoring teams. Reality is we need moves to...