honestly, contrary from what others said, i didnt see much improvement from his rookie year. if he just slashes and cuts......
maybe kobe went at him :devil: when i see kobe mentoring him, i feel like its going in one ear and out the other. but thats just form what i see
this, it seems like he forces it in the basket, but as of right now its going in. it definitely shouldn't be a go to thing. He crashes it in, but...
i sport other jerseys too, i even sport a Duncan and Ginobli jersey, because i like them as players and hell who cant like a black/white combo...
i've been a DPG fan since i was a kid, but man this dude is near 50 and hes doing this? I mean i lost respect for him like i did with Daz when he...
hmmm i wonder if it was after the foul on curry's 4pt play. his back seemed it contourted a lot.
hahaha damn 10 racks, id definitely would want to just take that and go party somewhere. I always lose so i would of sat there :*( after id...
Lin/Farmar/Clarkson PG rotation would give me a stiff one. :D
hey at least we're not 0-3 like the floppers
i don't like wall, i would say a bit overrated. They consider him a top PG but i haven't really seen him lead anywhere. His J is very mediocre,...
Julius Caeser = Randle Marcus Crassus = Kobe (Without the defeat and death to parithia) :D No Crassus, No Caeser.
More like a Farmar/Lin Combo. had Ronnie or Clarkson be our 3rd stringer. i never liked marshall at all. i wanted him to stay far far away, a...
Yeah way too expensive after i thought about it. Might get it for my mom, but I'm going to get a Mophie Battery Case and a Cheaper wallet case...
any suggestions?
I want to be a Jedi Knight like my father before me.
fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering....
I'm up for it
I always imagine kobe drawing a double from the post and dishing to a cutting wes for dunk. sigh
One things for sure, He's going to enjoy china. night life is great there. especially shanghai
We need a Julius Caesar