we have 4, 8 more to go!!
wow i just watched the highlights, this guy threw the game. is he the new great puke walton? at least the machine plays D with heart and made...
all my life i lived by a code, and the code is simple: honor the gods, love your woman, and defend your country. just thought this thread needed...
are we going to play? I'm down. but lets post up our rosters for other leagues and rate heres two of mine Dubcc (Westcoast HipHop Forum)...
just a random thought, do women think about sex as much as men? or actually do all men? or am i just a horn dog? lol seriously though
i guess thats true, but wouldn't that be the same when shaq kisses dudes and others that have? or does that rule only apply if hes homosexual?...
ridiculous, this is sexual harassment? while pretty much any woman can make a pass at a man without any fear? he kissed her hair/cheek. i find...
usually the dudes that say "oh yeah imma fight him next time" usually don't.
Born and raised in LA baby. Aint no place like LA, we have The Best Weather hands down. been to MANY places, anyone that says else wise don't...
thats why they offered him a ridiculous 48 million dollar contract without even trying to negotiate. again i don't blame kobe for taking it at...
my bad, i don't have the article, but it mentioned the pistons running zone and hand checking? im not sure if thats completely accurate. edit:...
I read an article recently that mentioned the Pistons incorporated Hand checking in the 04 Finals. I wasn't sure if this was true. I don't really...
i never got insurance, i did the first year, but i think its over after you break it once? and you cant get it again? thats what i heard about...
definitely dropping, i always get cases i like but with enough bulge on the front so that if it lands on flat surface, the screen doesnt hit the...
next time we get a former super star legend on his last legs that continuously injured. its formally going to be labeled "Nashty Status" all...
ohh im getting this one http://www.touchofmodern.com/sales/verus-case/dandy-klop-iphone-6 , official silicon apple one for when i don't need the...
Weasley Johnson.
i don't see that until he understands his skill set and role. I don't see why he wants to create his own shot all the time, he just doesnt have...