I always felt like he cared more about his hair than improving as a player. that being said, he’s the all-time record holder for threes in a...
We draft guys competing for the defensive player of the year and who dropped triple doubles with our second round picks, so I’m not excited about...
HIM again
I root for all of our players, except the ones who never should have been allowed to be Lakers.
but his Dad is now coaching the Kings. Could get interesting.
I heard they are only 2 weeks away. [IMG]
that literally won the game
Wemby is averaging 25/10/4/4 at 20 years old. that's pretty crazy. Hope he has a long healthy career and we get to see what he's capable of...
that's pretty funny Dalton seemed unusually unsure of himself while answering that, seemed odd to me
decent prospect, but still overpaid
I think you've seen his upside. It' doesn't get any better from here IMHO. You hope to get 40 games a year, and pray he's available for the...
I think there is a concerted effort to cut down on travel, so maybe this is happening on occasion to help accommodate certain schedules
Beta Robin etc
It feels like there are inconsistent minutes and roles across the board. I don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg, but I don’t like...
Adrenochrome. Allegedly.
AD needs more shots
Based upon the other teams on that list, you may very well be right. We're dealing with the 2nd largest city in the US, but the best basketball...
hard guy to be in the shadow of but let's focus on what's important. Does he has any kids yet? We can be the first franchise with 3 generations...
he's a lefty. That's like bonus points right?
eventually it will affect sales You have the all time leading scorer on your team, won a chip just a few years ago, still have some stars, but if...