Get rid of AD and become a lottery team instantly, who'd replace him? He's our entire defense. Could have won this year had we not stroked...
Very good defense.. Miami has a real opportunity to do something an 8th seed never does. I wish we'd had Vogel for our little run, we'd be in the...
His quickness is irreplaceable, ya he has moments where he struggles but his speed is a real upper hand IMO.
Woo haa keep c-bags in check Satisfying.
If Lebron retires we could go after Westbrook!
Pretty stupid to not give him minutes from day 1. He's the real deal, he's been there before and he was a very decent player. We needed him and...
It's going to game 7, just wait.
It's pretty much over. If it wasn't for Rui early and Reaves would have lost by 25. Both games were extremely winnable.
Put Vando on Murray, Rui on Jockitch let A.D. roam the paint like Predator in the jungle and lets win this already. GET TO DA CHOPPAAA
I'm not as upset with the loss as I'd thought I'd be. I feel like with Denver's incredible % of 3's hit, the out rebounding and the outstanding...
For all the great stuff he's done in his old age to get us to the WCF he's also consistently shot us out of comebacks/leads. He's so good at...
Defeated the 2nd seed then the defending champs.. after having to win the play-in game in OT. I hope that isn't the pinnacle and we oust Denver.
A.D. is a nice guy.. a lot like Pau, people think it's okay to step on the decent humans.
I love how two old obese guys with fake hips think it's funny to laugh @ A.D. when he's getting fouled relentlessly without calls. Hope A.D....
Bizarre how bipolar his performances are game to game.
Proud of the team. Massive win and defended home. Ham actually used timeouts, and subbed in a very fresh very athletic Lonnie. Far from over...
He's a smooth operator when his shots falling.. we're nearly unstoppable when he plays like this.... some of his defense was good tonight, more so...
GSW was very focused on him, he confused them in the 2nd quarter. He confused them in game 1 even Draymond mentioned him playing off the ball was...
Played fairly well, other than the massive amount of bricked threes. He's done it all year too, blows our leads because he insists on chucking....